Sunday, 14 June 2015


Just after the rise of the sun
The smile of yours fills my eyes
Just before the end of the day
I long for your glimpse, at bay

Just before the stars twinkle
Your smooth cheeks does that for me
Just after the first bird tweets
I long for your voice so sweet

Just after the red rose blooms
Your lips start to resemble it
Just before butterflies fly
You spread your wings to see me by

Just before the darkness prevails
You are the light of my life
Just before I break down in tears
It's your thought that I can't anymore bear

Just before my heart runs out
I would love to be touched by you
Just after I learn you're a dream
I'll sleep for eternity, I'd stop its scream.

Sunday, 7 June 2015


My hopes are about to die
My heart is all but crippled
With an ominous looking sky,
My spirit is totally shackled.

I've tried very hard to cope
Trying to to forget all my heartache
I could go no far but mope
I've failed to balm on my mistake

All the wishful treasures that I had
To touch others' life with my love
I've locked the doors with a thud
There's only a useless heap of trove.

I had desired a life full of bliss
Where scope of a smile was adamant
It was a dreadful task to accomplish
The poisonous pursuit made me broken, malignant.

I'm still alive with dead cold heart
Unable to feel or to try to reinvent
Deep down I know, what little I have left
It's living with myself, my own bereavement.

--Suman Dutta Roy